Mid Sussex Times Tuesday May 16 1911
An aeroplane race of 8 miles from Shoreham to Black Rock, Brighton on Saturday, between Mr Oscar Morison and Mr Graham Gilmour, was won by the former in fifteen minutes. The contest, which was favoured by glorious weather, was witnessed by many thousands of spectators. Mr Morison flew considerably lower than his rival, who attained a height of 1200 feet, and he finished with about one minutes advantage. Unfortunately and, in descending in the grounds of Roedean School, his machine came into contact with a wire fence, and was rather badly damaged, but the aviator escaped injury.
Belfast News Letter May 15 1911

The aerial race between Messrs Oscar Morrison and Graham Gilmour postponed from the 10th inst., was held on the 13th the course being from Shoreham aerodrome to Black Rock, at the eastern end of Brighton about 7 miles.
The contestants used Bristol biplanes of equal power, but whereas Morrison went straight for the winning post at a height of 800 feet, Gilmour flew farther out to sea and rose to 1100 feet. What might have been a neck and neck race consequently ended in Morison's favour by about one hundred and fifty yards. The winner crossed the line just after five o'clock, having covered the course in a quarter of an hour. He however, made a bad landing in the grounds of Roedean College, breaking his skids and damaging the elevator. Gilmour, who descended there, alighted perfectly and afterwards flew back to Shoreham.