
Death of Mr. M. Sergison.—
We regret to record the death, at Eton, on Friday night, of Mr. Michael Delavel Sergison, youngest son Major Sergison, of Cuckfield Park, after a few days’ illness. On the deceased, who was 15 years age, being taken ill Major and Mrs. Sergison, who were travelling on the Continent, were at once apprised of the fact, and arrived just before the young gentleman breathed his last. The remains were on Monday conveyed by rail to Haywards Heath, whence they were carried in an open car, accompanied by Major Sergison and Lieut. Sergison, to Cuckfield Park, the residents on the route, without exception, testifying their sympathy by drawing their blinds, and the tradesmen closed their shops. The passing bell was tolled the whole time the mournful cortege was on its journey from the Station to the Park. The funeral took place to-day (Tuesday) in Cuckfield churchyard, and was fully choral, the officiating clergy being Rev. W. A. Armstrong (in the church) and the Ven. Archdeacon Mount at the graveside. There was a large attendance, the chief mourners being Major and Mrs. Sergison (parents), Mr. C. Sergison (brother), Miss Sergison (sister), Lady Gordon-Cumming, Miss Jane Gordon-Cumming, Colonel Gordon-Cumming. Among the numerous sympathising friends were Dr. T. S. Byass, Mr. T. T. C. Lister, J.P., Mr. E. Arbouin, Mr. C. L. Peel, C. 8., Mr. G. A. Peel, Mr. Peel, Miss Peel, Mr. P. Lascelles, Mr. T. W. Best, the tradesmen of Cuckfield, and the tenantry and labourers of the Sergison estate. The grave was lined with ivy, and the coffin, which was polished oak with brass furniture, bore the inscription,
“Michael Delaval Sergison, 11th February-. 1888, in his 16th year.”
Numerous wreaths were sent by sympathising friends, among them from Dr. and Mrs. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. C. Lister, Captain Murray V. Hilton, “Cis andTed,” Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Peel, Misses E. and Julia Byass, Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Lady Middleton Birdsall, and the Misses Grant, of Grant, and others. The banner laid on the coffin was given to deceased by the monks of St. Michael’s Mount, Normandy. While in church the hymn "Tender Shepherd, Thou hast stilled,” was sung, and on the remains being borne from the church, “When our heads are bowed with woe” was sung. At the graveside the hymn rendered was "My God, Father, while I stray.”
Sussex Agricultural Express - Saturday 18 February 1888
Great sympathy is felt with Major Sergison and his family in the loss they have sustained in the death of Mr. Michael Delavel Sergison, which occurred on Friday, at Eton College. The young gentleman, who is the youngest son of the major, was only in his 16th year. The remains were brought to Cuckfield on Monday, and on Tuesday the funeral took place. The chief mourners were Major W. and Mrs. Sergison, Lieut. C. Sergison Miss Sergison, Colonel and Miss Gordon Cumming, who were followed by long procession of household servants, tenantry, and workpeople on the Sergison Estate, and resident gentry, tradespeople, etc., of Cuckfield. On the coffin, amid the flowers and wreaths, was also placed a small banner, presented to the deceased by the monks of St. Michael’s Mount, Normandy. The cortege was met at the churchyard gate by the Ven. Archdeacon F. Mount, Rev. W. A. Armstrong, and the choir, who led the way into the church, which was filled by a sympathising congregation. The Rev. W. A. Armstrong conducted the funeral service, which included the hymn “Tender Shepherd, Thou hast stilled,” the Rev. A. H. Wright presiding at the organ. On leaving the sacred edifice the hymn, “When our beads are bowed with woe” was sung. The Ven. Archdeacon Mount read the service at the graveside, at the conclusion of which the choir sang “My God my Father, while I stray.” Among those present in the large assembly at the graveside were Mr. T. T. C. Lister, J.P.. Mr. P. Lascelles, Mr. T. W. Best, Mr. C. L. Peel J.P., Mr. G. A. Peel, Miss Peel, Mr. Arbouin, Dr. Byrnes, etc, etc. The coffin was of polished oak, and bore the following inscription:
Died 11th February, 1888. In his I6th year.
The grave is situate to the south-west of the church, near the family vault.
Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 30 June 1891
A Merry Peal was rung on the bells of the Parish Church on Wednesday in honour of the marriage of Mr. Charles Sergison, J.P., by instruction of the Churchwardens. A full report of the wedding will be found on our last page.
Gift to the Parish Church—Mrs. Sergison, of Cuckfield Park, has presented a very beautiful stained glass window to the Parish Church in memory of Major Warden Sergison (who was lord of the manor of Slaugham and also patron of the living) and of their son, Michael Delaval, both father and son dying in 1888. One light has the figure of St. George, Patron Saint of England, clad in armour, and below it the arms of the Sergison family, whilst the other light has the figure of St. Michael the Archangel, underneath which are the arms of the Gordon-Cumming family. This offering completes the series of stained-glass windows on the north side of the nave in St. Mary’s Church. In the left corner is the following inscription:—
“ln the reverence of God, and in loving memory of Warden Sergison, Patron of this parish, and Michael Delaval his son, who in the year 1888 both entered into their rest, Emilia his wife dedicates this window.”
The mist which lay round about Cuckfield early last Tuesday morning was heavy as the sorrow which overshadowed the hearts of the people who that day were to follow to the grave the mortal remains of Captain Charles Warden Sergison. As time advanced the sunbeams made the earth look glorious, and the beauty of the scene, as beheld from Cuckfield’s “Garden of Sleep,” stirred one’s finer feelings, and amid the great stillness which prevailed there came to mind the poet’s prayer
Grant to life’s day a calm unclouded ending,
An eve untouch'd by shadows of decay.
The brightness of holy death-bed blending
With dawning glories of the eternal day.
To business, men found it impossible to devote their attention, and long before the hour of the funeral drew nigh shops were closed and the blinds of houses were drawn down.
It was a sad and solemn moment when the coffin was taken from Slaugham Place and laid upon the car which was to convey it to Cuckfield Church - that sacred building wherein for generations the Sergisons had worshipped. The coffin, we were told, was made of oak grown in Cuckfield Park.
There followed as mourners Lord and Lady Glanusk, the Hon. Charles Hanbury-Tracy, the Hon. Algernon Hanbury - Tracy, and Major Steuart. Later they were joined by Miss Sergison (the deceased Captain’s daughter), Mrs. Edgell (mother), Lord and Lady Sudeley (parents of the Hon. Mrs. Sergison, who was too prostrated with grief to attend the funeral), Mr. Maxted (butler) and others of the Staff. Estate workmen and members of “A” Company 4th Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, as well as of the Slaugham and Haywards Heath Companies of the Church Lads’ Brigade, followed the coffin to Cuckfield Church. At the lychgate it was met by the Vicar (the Rev. Robert Fisher), and upon the shoulders of the following estate workmen it was carried into church and placed in front of the chancel:
Messrs. F. Cooper (Cuckfield), T. Chatfield (Slaugham), G. Everest (Cuckfield), A. Gasson (Balcombe), J. Gasson (Cuckfield) and T. Selsby (Cuckfield).
Beautiful flowers rested the coffin lid - tokens of aftectlon from the sorrowing widow and Lady Glanusk- and from the time it was placed in church until the hour fixed for the service—some two hours—members of the Territorial Force and Church Lads’ Brigade kept guard over the coffin. We give their names: — Lance-Corporal F. Attwater, Lance-Corporal G. Elliott, Private A. Pierce, Private G. Baker, Private W. A. Robinson (Territorials): StalV-Sergt. Etherton, Sergt. Etherton, Sergeant E. Jenner, Corporal H. Ireland (Slaugham C.L.B.), Sergeant Butler, Sergeant Hole, Sergeant Cook and Corporal Whatford (Haywards Heath C.L.B.)
At half-mast hung the Cuckfield Church Schools, in which the late Captain Sergison, as one of the Managers, evinced a deep interest.
Some time before half-past two the sacred edifice was filled by a large congregation—all assembled together to pay a last tribute of respect to a man who had thoroughly won their hearts.
How hard it seemed to realise, as the eye turned to where the coffin rested, that it contained all that was mortal of Charles Warden Sergison. Never more would his smile greet his friends: never more would his cheery voice be heard There must have flashed across the minds of many the words “In the midst of life are in death.”
The Churchwardens (Mr. H. E. Stewart, M.A., and Mr. W. E. Mitchell) were assisted in seating the congregation by the following Sidesmen: -Messrs. A. Anscombe, H. French, T. Lewin and J. Wood. The soft sweet strains from the organ played by Mr. T. E. P. Attewell tended to sooth agitated feelings, and made one realise that in music religion had a helpful handmaiden. Presently the notes of the organ were hushed. The mourners, choir and clergy had taken their places, and the last sad rites were about to begin.
Very attentively did the vast congregation follow the words which fell from the lips of both clergy and choir, and when the hymns were started men and women feelingly joined in voicing them. The officiating clergy were the Rev. K. Fisher and the Rev. A. H. Boyd (Rector of Slaugham). Other robed clergy were the Rev. Seymour Edgell, the Rev. E. V. Venn and the Rev. R. H. C. Mertens.
The hymns were “My God, my Father, while I stray,” “Peace, Perfect Peace” and “On the Resurrection Morning*'—the last mentioned being sung as the coffin was taken from the church to the graveside. The bearers were the following tenants of the Cuckfield Park Estate:—Mr. T. I. Symons, Mr. J. Packham, Mr. A. G. Cook, Mr. W. Sayers, Mr. T. Webber and Mr. G. Upton.
The pathway from the sacred edifice to the spot where the body of the late Captain Sergison was to be laid to rest was lined by members (52) of “A” Company 4th Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, the officers in attendance being Major L. C. R. Messel (in command), Lieutenant S. K. Reid and Lieutenant J. R. Warren, together with Colour-Sergeant-Instructor H. Page. The 3rd Battalion Chichester Regiment Church Lads’ Brigade, of which the deceased was Colonel, also attended as a tribute of respect, under the command of Major Murray Smith. Adjutant the Rev. H. R. White (formerly of Handcross) and the Chaplain of the Battalion (Rev. T. G. Wyatt) were also present, as well the following Company officers; Captain the Rev. W. Flynn, Lieutenant Angell (Haywards Heath), Lieutenant the Rev. L. G. Allum (Slaugham), Captain F. J. Thyer (Newhaven), Capt. A. Huggett (East Grinstead), Capt. J. Newnham (Lindfield).
As the procession of choirmen, clergy and mourners, led by Choirman W. Herrington with the processional cross, advanced, the eyes of hundreds of people were upon them, and it was a truly thrilling sight when all stood bare-headed by the resting place of the departed, listening to the committal prayers recited by the vicar of Cuckfield. Perhaps nothing touched the hearts of the multitude more than these sentences :
In the midst of life we are in death: of whom may seek for succour, but of Thee, God, Who for our sins art justly displeased?, Yet, O Lord God most holy, O Lord most mighty, O holy and most merciful Saviour, deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death. Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts: shut not Thy merciful ears to our prayer: but spare us, Lord most holy, God most mighty, O holy and merciful Saviour, Thou most worthy Judge eternal, suffer us not at our last hour, for any pains or death fall from Thee.

The grave was lined with laurel, liliums, narcissi and white tulips, this work being undertaken by Mr. MacFadyen and gardeners at Cuckfield Park, and Mr. Hillman, head gardener of Slaugham Place.
The Benediction having been pronounced, the Choir sang the Nunc Dimittis and as the final notes died away on the air the mourners advanced to the edge of the grave to take a last fond look at the coffin. In their grief they had the sympathy of the spectators, and not forgotten was the widow at home. “God comfort her poor heart” said a lowly, sad-faced woman in the departing crowd whose mourning attire indicated that she, too, had passed through the vale of sorrow. And there was at least one who, to her pious wish, breathed the word “Amen.”
Members of Parliament, Magistrates, County Councillors, School Managers, Freemasons, Urban and Parish Councillors, the Cuckfield postal staff, and representatives of Conservative Associations, the Golf Club, Cottage Hospital and other institutions with which the deceased gentleman was connected assembled at the church or around the graveside. To record the names of all present is an impossibility. Those whom we noticed were Lady Leigh-Pemberton (whose husband, Major-General Sir Wykeham Leigh- Pemberton, K.C.B., much to his regret, was unable to attend, owing to ill health), Major General Sir S. B. Beatson, K.C.B., the Hon. H. Portman, the Hon. C. Brand, Archdeacon Wilberforce, the Rev. Lewis Evans, the Rev. E. F. d’Auvergne, the Rev. R. W. Powell, the Rev. Prebendary Shand, Colonel R. H. Rawson, M.P., Major Campion. M.P., Mr. 11. S. Cautley, M.P., Major J.J. Lister, J.P. (Chairman of the East Sussex County Council), Colonel W. H. Campion, J.P., Colonel Dudley Sampson, D.L., J.P., Mrs. Sampson and Mr. Noel Sampson, Major Borrer, J.P., Mr. W. Borrer, J.P., Mr. W. C. Renshaw, K.C.,J.P., Mr. G.C. Hawes, C.A., J.P., Mr. William Stevens, J.P., Mr. T. Bannister, J.P., Mr. H, Faure Walker, J.P., Major Farquharson, J.P., Mr. R. A. Bevan, .J.P., and Miss Bevan, Mr. R. L. Bevan, Mr. Augustin Spicer, J.P., Mrs. Spicer, Miss Barrett (Matron at the Cottage Hospital), Mr. E. d. Waugh (Worshipful Master of the Ockenden Lodge of Freemasons, of which Captain Sergison was Past Master), Mrs. E. J. Waugh, Mr. C. H. Waugh. Dr. Wells, Major E. T. Pakenham, Major Lang (Chief Constable for East Sussex), Mr. and Mrs. Breitmeyer, Mr. and Miss Best, Mrs. and Miss Byass, Captain Aylmer, Mr. V. L. Tapling, Mr. Dearden, Mr. G. Allen, Miss Berly, Mr. E. L. Bent, Mr. Vialle, Mr. Awcock, Mr. Lewis Weedon, Mr. C. Clarke, Mrs. Talbot Baines, Mr. F. Butler (Cuckfield Park estate bailiff), Mr. Blencowe, Mr. Cow, Mr. Douglas Clarke, Major Payne Crawford, Mrs. Maxwell Campbell, Mr. W. V. Cooper, Mrs. and Miss Fisher, Miss Maberly, Colonel S. R. Clarke, Mr. H. M. W. Bridgman, Mrs. Bridgman, Mr. J. Denman, Mr. H. Askew, Mr. J. Harding, Mr. H. W. Elliott, Mr. G. Page, Mr. S. J. Hurt, Mr. H. J. Mason, Mr. T. I. Martin, Mr. E. F. Weller, Mr. R. Weller, Mr. A. Burt, Mr. H. J. Gribble, Mr. E. S. Hibbs, Mr. D. Tulley, Mr. W. Snelling, Mr. W. H. Duly, Mr. G. Broad bridge, Mr. C. Ireland, Mr. B. W. Shearlock, Mr. S. C. Ball, Mr. J. Brewer, Mr. W. W. Walder, ex-Colour-Sergt. F. Hounsell, ex- Colour-Sergt. W. Brookshaw, ex-Colour-Sergt. C. Newnham, ex-Sergt.-Bugler F. Hounsell, Mr. S. Knight, J.P., Mr. R. Harris, Mr. E. E. Napper, Miss Payne, Mr. C. Hobson, Mr. B. J. Burtenshaw, Mr. H. Bates, Mr. S. Caffyn, Mr. R. Anscombe, Mr. G. T. Bunting, Mr. A. Beeching, Mr. R. H. Powell, Mr. H. J. Elwes, Mr. M. Macleod, Mr. A. H. Ogilvie Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvie Grant, Captain Christie Miller, Mr. B. Keppel, Mr. and Mrs. A. Burtenshaw, Mr. C. G. O. Bridgeman, Mr. Bertram A. .Smith, Mr. B. T. Hodgson, Mr. A. Hodgson, Colonel Robertson, Mr. G. Whitfeld, Mr. Pownall, Mr. A. B. Horne, Mrs. and Miss Montagu Turner, Mr. Aylen, Mrs. Howell, Mr. B. Tugwell, Mr. G. Golding. Mr. Backhouse, Mrs. Gosden, Miss Little, Mr, Monck Ridley, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Mr. H. Chapman, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Denman, Mr. White, Mr. Hoadley, Mr. Staplehurst, Mr. Pratt, Mr. Gander, Mr. H. Beach, Mr. Neate, Mr. Schlesinger, Mr. H. Plummer, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Green, Mr. S. Jerred, Mr. Duke, Miss Masters, Rev. F. S. Sclater, Mr. and Mrs. R. Worsley, Mr. McKergow, Dr. King, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Herbert Woods. Mr. Walter E. Tower, Miss Cooper, Mr. Scott Pitcher, Mr. H. Longley, Mr. Courage, Dr. H. Stott, Mr. C. Goring, Mr. H. Gibbs, Colonel Lambart, Mr. H. S. Loder, Captain W. H. Lambton, Mr. C. G. A. Nix, Colonel Coles, Mr. Rate, Mrs. Rawson, Major Webber, Mr. Piper, Mr. C. Finch, Mr. Harriyott, Mr. Burt, Mr. Hendry, Mr. . Wood, Jun., Mr. C. Sayers, Mr. Brown, Mr. G. Black, the Misses Wrightson, Mrs. Sims, Mrs. Judd, Mr. Lindsay Eric Smith, Mr. Avery, Mr. Chambers, Mr. J. Harmes, Mr. Hobbs, Mr. Homewood, Mrs. Gibson, Mr. A. Knight, Mr. C. Knight, Mr. Myram, Mr. Munnings, Mr. and Mrs. Penfold, Mr. Webber. Mr. Tyler and Mr. Pierce.
Led by Major Murray Smith, the members of the C.L.B. filed past the grave and saluted when the crowd had dispersed. A similar tribute of respect was paid by the Territorials.
The floral tiibutes were exquisite, the senders being; Sir Arthur and Lady Willshire, Captain and Mrs. G. Arbouin, Aunt Helena, Dedie, Queenie, Helena, Toby, Jerry, Dulcie and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. K. Anscombe, Mr. H. A. Bevan and Miss Bevan, Mr. and Mrs. Breitmeyer, Sir Charles Boxail, Sir Stuart and Lady Beatson, Miss Berly, Mr. and Mrs. Schlesinger, Mr. and Mrs. Butler. Lady Brabourne and Mrs. A. Knatchbull Hugessen, W. and A. Brookshaw, Mabel Barley, Colonel and Mrs. R. Curtis, “Charlie and Celandine,’' General and Mrs. Maxwell Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Cowper Coles, Colonel and Mrs. S. R. Clarke, Cuckfield Urban District Council, Cuckfield Cricket Club, Cuckfield Conservative Association, Cuckfield Golf Club, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Odo Cross, the Earl of Dysart, Lord and Lady Denman, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Davy, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dearden, Mrs. Dearden, Brigadier-General and Mrs. Francis Davies, Mrs. Seymour Edgell, Lady Edwards, Mrs. Erie, T. Eyles and family, Estate Workmen and Wives, “Freda and Ida”,”Felix and Madeline,” Lord and Lady F. FitzRoy, Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. Grant, Viscount and Viscountess Gage, W. and M. Ogilvie Grant. Mrs. Algernon Hanbury-Tracy, Captain and Mrs. Eric Hanbury-Tracy, Haywards Heath Bench of Justices of the Peace, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Innes, Inside Staff at Slaugham Place, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lister, and Mrs. Lister, Sen., Major-General Sir Wykeham and Lady Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Doreen Lawson, Captain Christie Miller, Sir F. Montefiore, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Maude, Miss Maberly. Mr. and Mrs. G. Maryon-Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Messel, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Messel. Mr. and Mrs. G, Neilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Owen, Officers of the Scots Guards, Officers, Non-com. Officers and Members of 3rd Batt. Chichester Regt. Church Lads' Brigade, Outside Staff Slaugham Place, Ockenden Lodge of Freemasons, the Hon. and Mrs. Harold Pearson. Raymond and Geraldine,” Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Romilly, Colonel and Lady Beatrice Rawson, Captain Leslie Reid, Mr. Stuart Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Monck Ridley, A. and E. Sparke, Mrs. Jonathan Sturges, Lord and Lady Sudeley, Mr. and Mis. Lindsay Eric Smith, Major F. K. Steuart, Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Dudley Sampson, Mr. Noel Sampson, Mrs. Stoner and daughters, Mrs. Pilbeam and Ernest, Mrs. James Taylor, two old Servants, Teachers of the Cuckfield Church Schools. Teaching Staff of Handcross Council School, Teaching Staff Warninglid School, and the Trade of Cuckfield.
As a token of respect a muffled date touch of Grandsire Triples, 1911 changes, composed by Mr. C. Stevenson, Haywards Heath, was rung at the Parish Church in the evening in 1 hour 8 minutes. The ringers stood in the following order: —G. Gibson, treble: F. Hounsell, Sen., 2: G. Godsmark, 3 : W. Gibson,4: G. Apps, 5: F. Attwater, 6; E. Attwater (conductor), 7 : A. Mitchell, tenor, the latter bell being half open.
The Hon. Mrs. Sergison wishes, through this medium, to express her grateful thanks for the many tokens of kindly sympathy she has received in her bereavement.
Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Thursday 09 November 1911
An inquest was opened at Westminster yesterday on the Hon. Mrs. Florence Emma Louisa Sergison. aged 38, widow of Captain Charles Warden Sergison, of the Scots Guards, and second daughter of Lord and Lady Sudeley, who died suddenly at Belgravia on Saturday.
Dr. Freyberger—who made an autopsy, stated that the brain was quite healthy, but the heart was small. There was no active disease in any of the organs. He could see no natural cause for her death. The only thing he could suggest that might be found in analysis were veronal or sulphonal. It would be very difficult to search for them, however. He excluded other poisons.
The Coroner said the Court must exhaust all the means there were to find the cause of death, and he therefore adjourned the inquiry for a fortnight. in order that Dr. Freyberger might make an analysis.
Westminster Gazette - Wednesday 22 November 1911
At Westminster to-day the inquest was concluded concerning the death of the Hon. Florence Emma Louisa Sergison. widow of Captain Charles Warden Sergison. of the Scots Guards, and second daughter of Lord Sudeley. Captain Sergison died last January and it was stated that his widow had never completely recovered from the shock of his death.
At the opening of the inquest Dr. Freyberger said he could set no natural cause of death. It was also stated that Mrs. Sergison had been busily engaged nursing a dear friend and had had very little sleep, eventually reaching a state of nervous collapse. A day before her death she was found in a deep state of coma, from which she never recovered.
The inquest was adjourned for the purpose of an analysis. The Coroner briefly recapitulated the circumstances and called a fresh witness, a Miss Peat, who said she lived with Mrs. Sergison for four months as maid, and was with her continually from September 10 until her death.
The Coroner : During that time do you know if she ever had a sleeping draught?
-Not to my knowledge.
-Would you have known it if she had ?
-I should think so.
Witness added that she saw deceased the day before her death. The nurse slept in the next room.
The Coroner : Had she said anything to you to suggest that she contemplated death?
-Not in the least, sir.
Kathleen Curtiss, the nurse, recalled, stated that Mrs. Sergison took one dose of medicine herself during the night before her death.
The Coroner : When did you first hear of the possibility of its being a case of veronal poisoning as suggested ?
-The doctor suggested it after he had seen her.
Was a search made?
-Yes, immediately. From the Monday did she leave her bedroom, except with you And you saw no trace of any drugs in her possession during that time from the Monday?
She might have gone out herself ?
-No, it was impossible.
So if she had taken veronal she must have already possessed it and concealed it ?
Or else it must have been brought to her?
-Yes. Mrs. Anstruther, sister of Mrs. Sergison, recalled, said that her sister never threatened her life or said she wished to die.
Would you tell us how you first had a suspicion that it was veronal poisoning in this case?,
- I had no suspicion of veronal poisoning until the doctor said : " I don't think this is a natural coma. Will you see if you can find anything?" I hunted all through her boxes, her despatch boxes, and unlocked what was locked, and there was nothing.
Other evidence having been taken, the jury found that death was due to a coma produced by veronal, self-administered to produce sleep.
The foreman added that their view was that it was an entirely accidental death.
Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 10 December 1912
Cuckfield is to have a memorial of the late Captain C. W. Sergison, J.P., in the shape a granite drinking trough for cattle. It will be provided by his sister, Lady Glanusk, and will be erected on a site close to the old Drill Hall, or what is locally known as the Stocks. A very nice photo of Captain Sergison is to be seen in the Queen’s Hall, and near by are photos of his father and grandfather