Painting caption (correcting a few errors on the Queens Hall version shown below)
This painting, now in the Queen’s Hall was rescued from the King’s Head in 1998 when it was converted from a coaching inn and hotel to flats and houses.
The 100 sq ft (9sq m) painting was done by Tim Haws in 1983. It took four weeks to prepare and mark up the board and two weeks to paint and was done in situ in the bar. At the time, Tim explained that the job was made more complicated by people buying him drinks as he did it!
The 19 people are the regulars in the King’s Head at the time and include:
Spider, the cat. Dave Mitchell, Doc Taylor, Tom Stride, Peter Tolhurst, ? Finn, Martin Linley (Landlord 7th from left), Robin, Fluff Newnham (Clockmaker), Jay Turner, Dick Taylor, Grahaeme, Richard, Linda, Georgie, Mudge, John, Tim Haws (artist), Denise (wife of Tim?), Benge Chittenden (extreme right), Georgina Linley (on top of coach the landlady).
If you want to correct this caption further, especially relating to the precise location of the individuals on the painting please contact us via our website email address.
