Airey Neave was an extraordinary individual but defined by his untimely at the Houses of Parliament by a bomb placed under his car. The murder of the Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary came just two days after Jim Callaghan's Government had lost a vote of no confidence in the Commons. He Was a former soldier and World War 2 prisoner.
His story including his escape from Colditz is told by the Bruges Group, a UK-based European think tank) on their website. And in this biographical tribute on YouTube
A well-attended meeting of hospital officers associated with Haywards Heath and District branch of NALGO protested at the action of the Minister of Health in disallowing the three per cent, pay award increase to 25.000 administrative and clerical staff in the national health service. It was decided to ask the Hon. Mrs Emmet MP and Major Tufton Beamish MP to receive deputations and to take other action to draw attention to the matter.
At the annual meeting of Cuckfield British Legion branch, held at the Church Hall last Wednesday, it was agreed to inform Cuckfield UDC that the branch would pay £156 per annum inclusive for the use of club premises and a headquarters In Glebe Road and would be prepared to carry out internal redecorations and install lighting and heating. A satisfactory year was reported, with a balance at the bank of £56 and £206 in reserve. Total assets came to £595 Officers elected: President. Dr WS Nutt; Chairman, Mr IB Ingall: Vice-Chairman, Mr PG Holland: Treasurer, Mr N Tidey: Secretary. Major R Black.
Mr Airey Neave, MP, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, and the Hon. Mrs Emmet MP were members of an 'any questions' panel promoted by the local Conservative Association at the Queen's Hall. The Chairman, Mr HE Smith, Chairman of the local Conservative Association remarking on the good attendance said that there had been a considerable falling away in attendances at meetings and it had been said that the attraction of television was one of the causes. While television was valuable in enabling the party leaders to speak to the nation, there was one thing which it could not do and that was to ask questions, which was the object of the meeting that evening.
West Sussex Gazette & South Of England Advertiser, 7 November 1957
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.
Photos: Memorial to Airey Neave, at Merton College, Oxford.
Portrait Margaret Thatcher with Airey Neave by the Bruges Group.
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