'If I were the Minister and that plan came before me I should send you a rocket,' declared Major OB Haines, at last night's meeting of Cuckfield Urban Council when the council's approval was sought to a scheme to spend £5,600 on renovating the Queen's Hall. Cuckfield.
Major Haines, who is one of the Cuckfield Ward representatives on the council, agreed that the hall was in need of modernisation but he said that to spend that amount was ‘a bit thick’.
Other members referred to the fact that Haywards Heath's Sussex Hall had been modernised and that it was now the turn of Cuckfield.
One of the Haywards Heath councillors, Miss Pamela White, supporting the spending of £5.600. as a sound investment, said:
‘Are Cucktield people willing to have a white elephant and crumbling Queen's Hall or do they want a hall where they can go and enjoy a dance plays and concerts?’
Another Backer of the plan Mr CC Snell, Haywards Heath, said it was of major importance to the future of the urban district that they should have halls which were attractive enough and offered the facilities to keep people in the district and to attract outsiders.
Miss CC Bolding, Cuckfield, agreeing with the improvements in principle, attacked that part of the proposal which suggested setting aside a suite of rooms upstairs for the exclusive use of Cuckfield's Men's Club. She said that the hall had been bought by public subscription and the land given. People might not like part being reserved for the sole use of a club and for the installation of a bar.
Her proposal that the whole project should be referred to the Recreation Ground and Halls Committee for more detailed consideration was carried by a large majority.
Sussex Daily News, 26 June 1953
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.
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