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1949: Bride's stockwhip frightens locals

London's Queensland Colony flocked to the Holy Trinity Church at Cuckfield, Sattex, yesterday, for the marriage of popular ‘Sandy’ McLeod, son of the late Mr. Scott McLeod and Mrs. McLeod of Terrica Station, Inglewood, to Patricia Paice, only daughter of Captain and Mrs John Paice, of Bolnore, Haywards Heath Sussex.

Sandy was attended by two Brisbaneites, Roy Barnes, of Ascot, and Lee Outridge, of Toombul. Sandy and Pat will tour the Continent for a month in Sandy’s streamlined new Humber before setting sail for Queensland.

There was an amusing episode a few nights before the wedding, in the public bar of the Five Bells’ pub in Cuckfield [Ed: Bolney], when Sandy cracked a Kangaroo-hide stockwhip just on closing time.

Local pub-goers thought someone had been shot and quickly vacated the bar.

The whip was one of Sandy’s presents to the bride who is looking forward to using it at ‘Terrica’, Queensland.

[ED: No doubt the bride had a cracking time that evening!]

Sources Truth (Brisbane, Queensland), 2 Oct 1949, Page 2

A stockman lights his pipe with a small smouldering stick from the camp fire. He is holding a stockwhip.

View this page at the State Library of Queensland. The Queenslander 31 October 1929. Wikimedia public domain image.

Contributed by Malcolm Davison.


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