Worthing Herald - Friday 29 August 1947
AS AN ERSTWHILE resident of Worthing, may I comment on your leading article of August 15, and upon the report in that issue about the county's housing progress? In the leading article you say: "Worthing Town Council's housing progress, is, compared with the rest of the county, very creditable."
Creditable it may be, compared with the lamentable lack of achievement displayed by the authorities of Newhaven, Hastings, Rye, Hove, Littlehampton and Horsham, but it will not bear comparison with Cuckfield.

This little place, having only one twentieth the population of Worthing, has built half as many houses. Basing calculation on the 1931 census figures (and the proportionate populations are no doubt still similar) Cuckfield has built one house for every 17 people in its area, Worthing one for only every 140 people. Pursuing this further, Worthing's effort is bettered by Southwick, Shoreham. Chichester, Bognor, Lewes and Burgess Hill.