Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 15 November 1932
I, ABRAHAM GARNER, Jun.. of 8 Glebe Road, Cuckfield. Sussex, HEREBY DECLARE that I will NOT in any way be responsible for any debts, however or whenever Incurred by my wife, Rosie Mabel Gamer, of the above address, from to-day's date, 15th November, 1932.
This event was after his wife took him to court for maintenance as he had not provided proper food for her & the three children for especially the last four or five weeks, nor bought them clothes for 3 years. He kept £1 for himself out of his £2 19s wages and went on holiday for two weeks with another woman. He said she had a vile temper and nagged and he had offered her 25s a week if she would separate or divorce but she said divorce was wrong in the eyes of God. A separation order was drawn up. In 1939 she was still in Glebe Road, while he was living with his father in Marshalls Terrace