Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 31 July 1928
To the Editor of The Mid-Sussex Times.
Dear Sir, During the past week the Cuckfield Cemetery Board have considered it necessary to have the Cuckfield churchyard paths tarred and sand thrown on the surface. This may be an excellent method of preserving them, but I think a little consideration and respect should be shown to the people who have to attend to the graves immediately facing the paths.
The man who tarred the paths evidently had no respect all for the graves, as nearly all of the marble kerbs and other grave fencing were splashed with tar. which, everyone knows, is very difficult to get off. Cuckfield Churchyard is one of the many beautiful churchyards in Sussex, and a number of people in Cuckfield spend a considerable amount of time and money on the upkeep of the particular grave they are interested in. It seems, therefore, almost sacrilege that the Board should allow men to be so careless in the spraying of the tar.
In fairness to those who attend the graves in question, I suggest notice should be sent them that tarring is about to take place, so that they can, if they wish, take steps to cover the kerbs, &c. I hope at their next meeting the Board will give this matter their serious attention, and make provision against this annoyance occurring again.
Yours faithfully,
RESIDENT. Cuckfield.