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1921: Locals view precious original School documents

Mid Sussex Times November 15th 1921

The members of the Mid Sussex Branch of the Church Managers’ and Teachers’ Association spent an enjoyable and instructive afternoon in Cuckfield on Saturday, when a periodical general meeting was held in the “Old Grammar School Building”, now the Church School. The programme also included tea, and afterwards a short service in the Parish Church. There were about thirty members present.

Old School c1910 (colourised)

The President, the Rev. W. Loveband, was among the company, and at his invitation the Rev. Canon Wilson, Chairman of the local School Managers, took the chair. He was supported by the Rev. T.G.Wyatt (Hon. Secretary and Treasurer of the Branch) and Miss E.A. Taylor (Assistant Secretary)

The meeting gave close attention for an hour to a paper read by Mr Herrington (Headmaster) on ‘Cuckfield School’, in which its origin and history were traced in detail, and the paper was carefully planned and deeply interesting. The reader said that the greater part was the result of investigations conducted by the late canon Cooper, a former vicar.

We hope in the near future to print the paper in full.

A valuable addition to the paper was the exhibition of original documents from which the records of the school had been taken. Three of these were from the church safe: (a) Rev. T Vicars’ book (b) a book of Cuckfield Grammar School, the entrance commencing 1785 and ending 1811, and (c) a parchment indenture of school lands sold to Sir Thomas Pelham in 1745. 

Three other documents, borrowed by Miss Cooper from the library of the Sussex archaeological Society at Lewes were a), an old copy undated of extracts from the Will of the first founder, b) the original indenture of William Spicer, the second founder, 1528, and c) deed for transfer of lands, made in the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

A second paper, read by Miss Preston, principal of the Diocesan Training College, Brighton, was entitled, “how far is it desirable for boys and girls to have the same games and physical exercises?”; this led to an interesting discussion in which Miss Gray, Warden Court, Miss Grevatt, Staplefield and Mr HJ Mason, Handcross took part.. 

A hearty vote of thanks proposed by Mr LHB Shand, was accorded the readers of the papers and also to Canon Wilson for presiding.

Tea was served in the infants rooms, and was followed by evensong in the parish church, the service being conducted by the vicar Cannon Wilson.



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