A Brighton Road Incident
A mysterious highway outrage occurred in the early hours of this morning near Cuckfield, Sussex. The mail coach from Brighton to London was stopped at a spot between Burgess Hill and Cuckfield by a man, who was found to be seriously injured. He said he had been waylaid and had been robbed of his money. He relapsed into a semi conscious state and was conveyed by the coach to Cuckfield Infirmary, where he now lies. The man, who is aged about 25, stated that the two men who attacked him went away across the fields and he had been kicked on the head and chest.
Manchester Evening News, 19 February 1910
Illustration from 'The Brighton Road' by Charles Harper, 1906. This shows the last parcel coach in 1905, but the mail coach must have continued at least until 1910.
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.
Visit Cuckfield Museum, follow the link for details https://cuckfieldmuseum.org.