Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 25 August 1908
Another Remand Yesterday.
Brought up again at Haywards Heath Police Court yesterday (Monday) were James Brown, a fitter, and James Kemp, a lad, both of no fixed address, charged, on remand, with being concerned together with breaking into a hut on the Cuckfield Cricket Ground and stealing therefrom cricket shirts, sweaters, jackets, vests, cricket shoes, handkerchiefs, an apron, a tablecloth, a bag, a brush, and a pair of spectacles, together value £6 10s., the property of Llewellyn Charles Thring and others, at Cuckfield, on the night of August 3rd.

Mrs. Mears, of the King’s Head Hotel, Cuckfield, said that she was supplying lunches on August 3rd on the Cricket Ground at Cuckfield Park. The tablecloth produced was hers. It was one that she used for the lunches in the Park. She valued it at 6s.
In answer to Brown, witness said she identified it by distinguishing marks and because she had others like it. It had been cut and re-hemmed. She last saw it when she packed it on the 1st (Saturday).
John Jenner, in the employ of Mrs. Mears, said he was looking after the lunches on the Cricket Ground on the 3rd. The tablecloth produced was the one used. He put it the wooden hut after lunch, together with articles used for the lunch, with his own clothing. He had a dress coat, black waistcoat, a fancy waistcoat, an apron and a hair brush, together value 30s. He last saw them in the hut about three o'clock on the 3rd. He missed them when he went down to the Cricket Ground the next morning, the 4th, about 10.30. He identified the articles produced.
Further remand was ordered.