Mid Sussex Times Tuesday 19 May 1908
The Cuckfield Football Club arranged and carried through a very successful smoking concert at the King’s Head Hotel on Wednesday evening, on the occasion of the presentation of the Mid-Sussex Junior League medals. The Cup was conspicuously and proudly displayed on the Club’s colours, the room being also draped with the same colours. Mr. H. E. Stewart presided, being supported by Mr. W. Hounsell (Captain of the Club), Mr. C. H. Waugh and Mr. T. E. P. Attewell. Amongst the company present we noticed the Rev. R. H. C. Mertens, Mr. R. L. Trotter, Mr. H. Bates, Mr. H. Askew, Mr. H. Jerred (Haywards Heath), Mr. Carter, Mr. J. Bone, Mr. E. Cole (Haywards Heath), Mr. Ellison, representatives of the Wyllies Football Club, and many others, numbering about a hundred in all.

The Chairman, opening the proceedings, said it was hardly necessary to mention what had brought them together that evening, it being to offer their hearty congratulations to the football team on their success in winning the Mid-Sussex Junior League Cup. He then started the musical programme. Later in the evening the Chairman, in capital speech, said he took the compliment of being asked to preside as shewing the good feeling existing between the Cuckfield and the Wyllies Clubs. Football was the finest of winter games, teaching unselfishness and self control. He then referred to two absent friends, Mr. R. H. Browne, past master of the Wyllies School and an old member of the Cuckfield Football Club, who was now separated from them by thousands of miles of land and sea; and Mr. L. F. Gibb, whom they all knew would have been so
had he lived long enough to have seen it. Since be (the speaker) came to Cuckfield, fourteen years ago, he had had many pleasant games in Cuckfield Park. He hoped the Club would make a good fight in the Senior League next season. In the season 1905-6 the Club had come out fourth, in 1906-7 second, and in 1907-8 had come out on top, and he hoped they would retain that position for some time. Their success had not been achieved by individual efforts, but by combined efforts. All had worked well together, and by so doing had won the cup. (Applause). Fifteen members had played in the League matches, and nine had played in every one. Out of the twelve matches the team had won nine, drawn two and lost one, which he thought was highly creditable, and could hardly have been better. He heartily congratulated the team, and asked them to accept THE MEDALS. The recipients of the medals were Messrs. W. Hounsell (Captain), E. Attwater, F. Attwater, A. Alwen, H. Askew, G. Botting, D. Boarer, J. Elsey, W. Holford, S. Knight, A. C. Robinson, E. Quickenden, T. Wells, C.White and A. Waddington. It gave him great pleasure to present the medals, and he hoped to see the team lift the Senior League Shield, as they had lifted Mr. Clarke’s cup. (Applause). On behalf of the Cuckfield Club and supporters Mr. Stewart then asked Mr. W. Hounsell to accept a handsome brass standard lamp as
He hoped his light, as well as that of the lamp, would shine in Cuckfield for many years to come. (Loud applause). In returning thanks Mr. W. Hounsell, thanked the Chairman for all the kind words he had said about him. He had great pleasure, on behalf of his wife and himself, in accepting such a beautiful present from the members and supporters of the Cuckfield Football Club, and he thanked all those who had so generously subscribed towards it. He would look upon It with many pleasant memories, and he hoped the prospects of the Club would always be bright as they (his wife and himself) hoped to keep the lamp. (Applause). Mr. Hounsell also thanked the Chairman, on behalf of the Club, for presenting the medals. He attributed their success in the League to their determination to win their matches, without being too confident, the good feeling among the players, the encouragement of their supporters, and the hard work of their Secretaries (Messrs. A. T. Rapley and A. C. Robinson). The Rev. R. H. C. Mertens, in proposing the
said he had been an old member of the Club, and had enjoyed his games with them in past years. He congratulated Mr. W. Hounsell on his marriage, mentioning that there were four or five of the family who had taken part in football, and he hoped it would continue for a good many more generations. (Applause). Mr. T. E. P. Attewell responded. He had been connected with the Club ever since he came there. It had not always been such a good team as it was now. He had acted as referee when wanted, and had had about ten years of Secretary’s work. He hoped the Club would continue to have a good team in Cuckfield. Mr. W. Hounsell mentioned, amid applause, that his brother, Mr. H. Hounsell, had sent his congratulations to the Club from India. The health of Chairman, proposed the Captain, was received with musical honours. Mr. Stewart responded.
was supported by Messrs. T. E. P. Attewell, G. T. Bunting, W. Fisher, J. Nye (Burgess Hill), C. Rawling (Lindfield), W. F. Chambers, J. Bone, A. Harding, F. Wells (Burgess Hill), S. Quaife, W. May (mandoline selections), and the Rev. R. H. C. Mertens, the latter gentleman gaining loud applause and an encore for his musical sketch entitled “The Silver Wedding,” Mr. G. T. Bunting ably presided at the piano. The chair for the latter part of the evening was occupied by Mr. Hounsell. The National Anthem and “ Auld Lang Syne" brought the evening to a close.