Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 10 October 1905
SATURDAY. Before Major Maberly (in the chair) and Major- General Leigh Pemberton, C.B.
—Cuckfield. John Harraway, Cuckfield, pleaded guilty to being drunk on the highway, at Cuckfield, on September 26th, and Charles Averill, Cuckfield, admitted being drunk whilst in charge of a horse and cart, at Cuckfield, on the same day.

—William Chambers said he was at Ansty, and saw the two defendants with the horse and cart. Defendants were decidedly drunk. Witness followed them as far as Cuckfield, to see that no accident happened, and then returned home.
—By Superintendent Brooman: The cart ran into a bank twice. When defendants reached Cuckfield Park Harraway fell out of the cart. Averill was driving.
—Harraway, who said he was “slightly intoxicated,” stated that the horse shied, the seat gave way, and he fell out—Averill said he was quite capable of driving The cart only went into the bank once. He put the horse and cart away, fed and watered the animal, and went to bed without any difficulty.
—Superintendent Brooman said that several of the inhabitants, seeing the condition of the two gentlemen, followed them to see that no accident occurred, and saw them safely into Cuckfield. In answer to a question, the Superintendent said he had had no complaint before against either defendant, and he believed they were both very respectable gentlemen.
—Defendants were fined £1 each, including 9s. 9d. costs each.