Since the advent of the motor the subject of road-making has received more attention than usual, and a variety of substances has been employed experimentally with a view to ascertaining which material, or combination of materials, will provide a good wearing surface with freedom from grit and absence of dust or mud, as tho case may be. Up till now the most satisfactory substance tried is macadam treated with tar before being laid down, and the only drawback to its use is the heavy expense involved.
Tar coatings on a road already made have also been tried, but they only, render the surface impervious to wet for a time, and are not satisfactory in the long run. The latest idea is to metal the top two or three inches of the macadam road with chips of granite treated with a tar solution, anu it is claimed that the ' system can be carried out at the cost' of about £27 a mile. The Cuckfield, Sussex Council have lately decided to experiment upon the roads in their district with the new treatment.
Westmorland Gazette, 14 October 1905.
Photo: From 'City roads and pavements suited to cities of moderate size' (1902) Wikimedia public domain image.
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.
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