The Queen’s Hall Enlargement.
Captain Sergison writes from Slaugham Place, under date of June 1st:—
“Dear Sir, I have to thank most heartily those who have so generously made the addition to the Hall possible. The stage will be permanently ready for entertainments and the Hall remunerative.

Our thanks are due for the following handsome donations to date: —Mr. L. Breitmeyer, £50; Sir Weetman Pearson, Bart., M.P., £25; Mrs. Stephenson Clarke (Brook House), £15; Mr. A. J. Bridge, £10; Major Maberley, £10; Mr. Steinkopff, £10 10s; Mr. Messel, £5; Mr. V.L.Tapling, £5; Col. Humphreys, £10 10s. Mr. G. Allen and Mr. W. Lloyd have kindly promised donations.
I feel sure there must be many who can spare a trifle to enable us to make the Queen’s Hall perfectly satisfactory for balls and entertainments, and the smallest contributions will be gratefully acknowledged by
Yours faithfully, Charles Sergison.