Mid Sussex Times, Tuesday June 14 1892
To the editor of the Mid Sussex Times.
Sir – what a very terrible thing it is that we cannot have adequate postal accommodation in certain rural districts of Sussex! I allude particularly to Whitemans Green, Cuckfield. In point of postal facilities this district is not much better off than the Sahara, or an average Indian jungle. It is really high time something should be done to remedy this state of things.
Why cannot the attention of the Postmaster General be drawn to it? I believe that I am expressing the opinion of residents and visitors alike when I say that this want of postal facilities causes grievous, intolerable and most unparalleled inconvenience. What we need is, not letterboxes – I think we have one of those already – but a Post Office where we could buy our own stamps and cards, and send out off our telegrams.

This would save us the trouble of continually going the long distance to the Cuckfield Post Office proper - a fearful grievance to us. I should think that the Post Office which I suggest might be entrusted to some tradesmen or shopkeeper on Whiteman’s Green. No doubt one of those gentlemen could be induced to undertake the work involved. I ask you, Mr Editor, to use the moral weight and influence which attaches to the organ of public opinion – to use it, now as ever, in the public interest – to use it, in fine, towards getting for us what we need so much need, a Post Office in Whitemans Green, Cuckfield.
Yours etcetera,
A. Visitor.
June 10, 1892.