Cuckfield Fire Hydrants
Local Board, 7 January 1892 Present: Mr. Best (Chairman), Mr Blaker, Mr R Caffyn, Rev. Canon Cooper, and Mr Tagwell.
A letter was received from the Committee of the Hayward's Heath Fire Brigade relative to the fixing of hydrants to the mains in the district. The Committee appointed to select and see candidates for the office of clerk of the drainage works recommended the appointment of Mr. William Todd, at a salary of £2 10s. a week, subject to a week's notice on either side.
The Board confirmed the appointment, the duties of the clerk to commence on the 18th inst. The contract with Mr HJ Sanders for the drainage work, at £5,209 19s 3d, was sealed by the Board.
Sussex Agricultural Express, 12 January 1892
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.