The Vicarage, Cuckfield.
Thomas Skinner hold received instructions from the Ven. Archdeacon Mount to Sell by Auction, upon the Premises as above, today (Tuesday), April 17th, The Sale to commence at 10.30 am.
The whole of the dairy utensils, dining-room chairs, deal tables, forms, cane-seated chairs garden seats, garden barrow, garden engine, water barrels and brass taps, force pump and piping, thirteen panels of iron fencing, iron gate, wire gate, wire fencing and stakes, 20in. iron balance roller, saw horse and saw, garden tools, flower stands, hand lights, grindstone, edging tiles, portable copper, oak rail fencing. 46-round and other ladders, carpenter's bench, 2-knife chaff-cutter, ferret and rabbit hutches, 80-gallon water tank on wheels, galvanized roofing, cow chains, hen coops, iron hog trough, oak wattles, cricket tent with and pegs, rick cloth, poles and ropes, Ordnance map of the parish of Cuckfield on spring rollers, the erection of two grape houses, saddle and upright boilers, hot-water piping tanks! the erection of fernery and flowering house, the erection of orchid house, the whole of the valuable plants in the houses, garden frames and pits, mixen of manure, poultry, three Alderneys and one shorthorn cow.
Catalogues may be obtained at the Hotels in the neighbourhood, and at the auctioneer's Ofices,
1 North Street and Carfax, Horsham.
Mid Sussex Times, 17 April 1888
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.