—On Tuesday morning, Mrs. Ware, wife of a labourer, living near the Green Cross Inn, Ansty, leaped into a well in the garden of their house, with the avowed intention of putting an end to her existence.
Fortunately Mr. Young, son of the landlady of the Inn, was near the spot at the time, and an alarm being given, her husband and Mr. Godsmark went quickly to the well, and Mr. Godsmark, on looking down, saw, the unfortunate woman, apparently unhurt and standing at the bottom, having alighted on her feet.

With the assistance of the well-chain, Godsmark drew her up again, and Dr. Byass, on being sent for, ordered her removal to the Asylum at Haywards Heath, which was effected next day (Wednesday). The woman had been in a desponding way for some time, and this was her second attempt at self life-taking.
No particular cause is assigned as to the continued depression, beyond sundry and certain ailments, for which she has been attended by different medical gentlemen. She is between 50 and 60 years of age, and her present husband is her second, both of them having each a grown-up family, scattered. They came from Croydon not long ago, and the husband is now out of work.
Postscript from Jill Harwood:-
...about the Wares, she was Elizabeth Holman before her remarriage, born in 1826 in Chatham and in 1881 living with her 18 year old son Frederick in Croydon. She was released from the Asylum on 25 Nov 1885. Her husband Henry was on his own in 1891 and says he was married, but was a widower by 1901 when he was in Cuckfield Workhouse.