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1881: Shop local

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

A postcard of Cuckfield High Street c1910 (colourised)

Sir, Your correspondent 'Improvement' need not wonder much why the upper classes are so reluctant to deal with the Cuckfield tradespeople. The former purchase many things in travelling to and fro from town, and in doing so find there is so great difference in the price of goods there and those at home, although the articles are similar in quality.

This introduces comparison, and in comparing the price list of a co-operative store with that of their home tradesmen's books, they cannot help thinking. Thinking breeds suspicion, and where the wholesale prices are known and placed beside the retail, the fact (after making due allowance for railway expenses) becomes more apparent.

With the Cuckfield shopkeepers our content with a fair profit, they will probably regain some of the lost patronage. It's such advantages can be given for ready cash elsewhere, why cannot the same be done at home, and all work amicably together?

Your truly


Cuckfield, April 7.

Mid Sussex Times, 13 April 1881

Contributed by Malcolm Davison.

Visit Cuckfield Museum for ‘Horsepower – Before machines altered the pace of life forever’ display and much, much more. Follow the link for details


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