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1881: Savage attack by robber

Updated: Dec 9, 2023

Fight recreated with AI in Bing Image Creator

On Monday before the Hon. Admiral Pakenham and Mr TTC Lister, Frank Yorke was brought up on remand Friday last to answer the charge of having on August 8th, 1880, committed an assault on Harry Booden. Booden stated that he was near the grounds of Mr IC Hardy, in the parish of Lindfield, when he heard a keeper whistle for assistance He went to the keeper's assistance, who was taking prisoner and a man named Waters to the police-station for having robbed an orchard.

Prisoner ran away, and witness gave chase. Upon coming up with him, prisoner turned round, and with a stick beat witness about the head and knocked him down. While on the ground prisoner kicked him in the ribs in a savage manner.

The prisoner was apprehended in London on Thursday last by PC Waller, of the Metropolitan Force. A telegraph was sent to Inspector Pocock, who despatched PC Lewis to bring the prisoner to Cuckfield.

The prisoner acknowledged his guilt, and asked that he might be let off with a fine, as in the event of being sent to gaol his wife and children must go lo the Union. A fine of £5 was imposed, in default of which the prisoner must go to gaol for two months.

West Sussex County Times, 22 January 1881

Contributed by Malcolm Davison.

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