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1877: Local man narrowly escapes 'a watery death'

Updated: Jan 2, 2022

Hastings and St Leonards Observer - Saturday 23 June 1877


Narrow Escape from Drowning.—Edward Mitchell, residing at Whiteman's Green, and working on the large mansion at Finches, narrowly escaped a watery death whilst bathing with a companion on Friday. The young man had been out once and had attempted it a second time, when he launched into twelve feet of water and sank very suddenly.

Drowning man (dreamstime stock photos)

A companion, seeing his danger, immediately started off to his rescue, but was unable to bring him to terra firma. Some men on the building were attracted, fortunately, at the critical moment, and a plank was pushed off to the rescuer; this he clutched eagerly, and brought Mitchell to safe ground, after he had sank twice. The young man happily recovered his usual powers, and was able to proceed to work in the space of a few hours.

For more on 'Finches'....



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