Brighton Gazette - Thursday 16 January 1868
CUCKFIELD. Daring Robbery.—A daring robbery was committed last week at Boardhill. It appears that Major Mc Adam's coachman had occasion to leave the stables between five and six o'clock, and on his return, in half hour, found that some one had slipped in and forced the door of the harness room, which he had left securely locked, and carried away his watch, which had left hanging up, a pair of cloth trowsers, a woollen shirt, and 8s. 7d. in money, all his own property.
There were many valuable articles, saddles, bridles, harness, &c., belonging to tho Major, that they did not touch, and there was probably more than one connected with the job, for great force must have been used in bursting open the lock.
The loss to the coachman is supposed to from £6 to £7, and it is supposed that some persons well acquainted with the stables must have committed tho robbery, but, as yet. the police have obtained no clue.