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1867: Whitemans Green 'Pet' takes on 'Oddy'

Updated: Dec 8, 2023

Sussex Advertiser - Saturday 01 June 1867

Cuckfield .


The foot racing season commenced on Thursday, at Head Quarters, the Rose and Crown, it being settling day for the Derby Stakes. There was a good attendance, and books having been squared, and dinner pending, it was proposed to knock up a foot-race, as a vaunting runner, who has assumed the title of "Whiteman's Green Pet" was offered to be backed against anyone for 100 yards.

The host called for his man “Oddy," but the pet was not forthcoming, when out stepped Captain Cook, offering to take up the match. By the aid of a London gentleman, au fait in such matters, a good start was made, but when the Captain was about half-way he broke down, and "Oddy" had the, race all to himself. A second match was soon knocked up, that turned out a better race, between “The Pet," who had now made his appearance, and "Oddy," the latter winning stylishly by three yards.

An 1847 Footrace in the Midlands (image thanks to )

Dinner was now called, and a good party sat down to a capital repast, given in Mr. Tester's best style, at which the foot running subject for the forthcoming season was duly discussed, and it was contemplated to challenge our Balcombe neighbours to a steeple chase across country, and also said that we have a "dark 'un," who has been tested, able to take the shine out of their fastest man.


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