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1867: Cuckfield Athletics at Ockenden Park

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Brighton Gazette - Thursday 10 October 1867


Athletic Sports. On Thursday, a general holiday took place in Cuckfield, in order that the inhabitants might either have the opportunity of taking part in, or of witnessing the athletic sports which took place in Ockenden Park, kindly lent for the occasion by WW Burrell, Esq.

Ockenden Manor and Grounds c2020

A numerous committee, headed by Mr Burrell, set to work and succeeded in raising about £42 for prizes, a very satisfactory sum. The ground was admirably arranged Mr Bennett, gardener at Ockenden and the company present was very large, the weather being most favourable considering the time of year. R Loder, Esq., acted as judge and starter, and Mr JT Prise as time-keeper. We should also give a word of praise to the very energetic hon. sec., Mr A Dumsday, jun. Refreshments were supplied by Mr Tester, of the Rose and Crown.



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