Brighton Gazette - Thursday 27 October 1864
Special Bench Magistrates, Wednesday, Oct. 19. Present—Capt. Sergison, and W. BURRELL, Esq.
William Armytage, a poor destitute-looking shoemaker, aged about 42, was charged with stealing, at Cuckfield, on the 19th February, 1863, a pair of Oxford shoes, the property of Thomas Larkin, of Ireland, licensed hawker. Prisoner, after stealing the above shoes (highlows), sold them to a shoemaker, Lindfield, named Allen Davey. for two shillings. He was convicted and sentenced to three calendar months in Lewes Prison, with hard labour.

Ned Anscombe of Cuckfield, labourer’s son, aged “ten years next month,” was charged with stealing carpenter’s rule on the 12th inst., the property of James Charters, Cuckfield, carpenter. Prisoner stole the above rule from a building at Whiteman’s Green, Cuckfield, being fitted up for library reading room, for the use of the poorer classes. Anscomhe was convicted, and sentenced to be whipped, by Superintendent Akehurst, with twelve strokes with a birch rod.