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1864: Cuckfield High Street celebrations as Reverend Maberly returns home after 15 month absence

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

Sussex Advertiser - Saturday 13 August 1864


Return of the vicar

After an absence of 15 months on the continent, for the benefit of his health, the vicar, the Reverend T. A. Maberly and family, returned to his home on Thursday last. It having been considered advisable to make some public demonstration on this occasion, a committee was formed, and the programme made out for the purpose, funds were also collected for the building of a small archway at Broad Street, and another larger and more magnificent one in the centre of the town, bearing the motto, “there is no place like home.” The inhabitants likewise exerted themselves to show their respect.

1864 Cuckfield High Street celebrations for Reverend Maberly

Among those who were most prominent in display were Mr Payne, who had a set of magnificent flags, Mrs Loveday, the Reverend Honne, and Mr Pratt. Messrs Cook, Picknell, and Rowland erected a towering arch dressed with evergreen and flags, at the entrance of the town, and a motto with “A Hearty Welcome,” reached across the road, and Miss Picknell had a very pretty design on her leads, with the motto “Heartily Rejoice” at the foot, and in the centre:-

Calm may thy journey be;

Love and joy landing thee

Safely at Home

At the Talbot hotel there was a very pretty display of flags, and the motto a Mabili-itir on a long slip of canvas in front of the house. Two large flags also waved from Dr Byass’, and Mr Whites’; a wreath of evergreens reaching across Church Street, by Mr E. Jenner, of the King’s Head Inn, and a large flag hanging from the centre with the words “May God bless our vicar” with innumerable smaller marks of respect too numerous to mention, adorned nearly every house in the town.

About 3 o'clock the volunteer band, accompanied by W. W. Burrell, Esquire, Warden Sergison, Esq., Mr K. Waugh and most of the tradesmen in the place assembled at the archway at Broad Street accompanied by about 1000 of the inhabitants, and a short time after this the carriage bearing the vicar and his family arrived.

The address was read and presented by W. Sergison Esquire, of Cuckfield Place and the vicar, with uncovered head and in a burning sun, heartily acknowledged and appreciated the good wishes of the inhabitants towards himself and family.

Reverend T.A. Maberly (colourised)

At the conclusion of his speech the rifle band struck up "Auld Lang Syne". The procession was then formed and to the tune of “a fine Old English Gentleman” marched through the town to the vicarage, on returning home three hearty cheers from the assembly were given, the band etc marching through the lawn into the Vicarage field, where the children were regaled with buns etc.

Among the carriages which followed in the procession were those of the Misses Dealtry, Mrs Freshfield, Mr Robertson, Mrs Wyatt, W.W.Burrell Esq, W. Sergison Esq. etc. After the procession a large number of the inhabitants dined at the King’s Head Inn, and thus wound up the proceedings of the day. The beautiful arch is to stand until Sunday, the 14th inst, on which day the volunteers assemble for church parade, so that any visitors may have an opportunity of viewing it.



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