Surrey Gazette - Tuesday 07 February 1860
—On Saturday morning, the 4th inst the town was horrified by a report which, on enquiry, unfortunately proved too true, that _____
Perry, coachman to James Maberly, Esq., had committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. From what could be learned the unfortunate man for the past week has been labouring under the delusion that his fellow servant, Palmer, bailiff to Mr. Maberly, had, by misrepresentations, induced his master to give him notice to leave.
This was entirely unfounded, but so fully had it taken possession of the poor man's mind that he had been to the vicar (his master's brother) and Mrs. Maberly, to ask them to intercede with his master for him to allow him to stay. Mr. Maberly has been from home for a few days, but returned on Friday evening, when the deceased went with the carriage to Haywards Heath Station to meet him.
Deceased had not been very well for the last few days suffering, we understand, from diarrhoea, and on the morning in question not coming into breakfast at the usual time. Palmer sent the page to ask if he would have anything sent to him. The boy went, but was frightened at hearing an unusual noise in the deceased's bedroom, and returned and told Palmer, who immediately went and knocking at the door and receiving no answer, opened the door and was horrified at seeing the poor fellow extended on the floor with the razor about a foot from him.
He directly summoned assistance, and Perry was placed in bed and medical men sent for. Messrs Byass immediately attended and sewed up the wound, but from the first pronounced it impossible for him to survive, the windpipe being completely severed. He, however, lingered till about half past 8, when infernal haemorrhage set In, and he expired, perfectly sensible to the last. Deceased was a rather respectable man and superior to the generality of his station. and Mr Maberly had no Intention of parting with him.
Mr. Palmer, as may be supposed, was much affected at finding him in such a state.