Sussex Distillery - By Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. The only Establishment in England for making Brandy as in France. Warranted to contain no British Corn Spirit. The Public are respectfully solicited to test the Patent Cognac before being biassed by many interested parties anxious to damnify it, without having seen or tasted it, because, not paying the Custom House Duty, it is sold at about half the price of Foreign Brandy, with which, by interested and competent judges, it is pronounced to be equally good.
Patent Brown Brandy, as made in France 16s 0d
Patent Pale Cognac 18s 6d
Punch, à la mode Française 12s. 6d.
Whiskey, equal to Glen Livett or Mountain Dew 16s 0d
Cash price per gallon, delivered free to rail, for not less than two gallons.
A sample of either sent on receipt of 12 post stamps each.
Apply to the Manager, Sussex Distillery, Bolney, near Cuckfield. Liberal Allowance to the Trade.
Brighton Gazette, 4 August 1859
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.
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