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1857: Tribute to Cuckfield solicitor with 40 years' service

Updated: Dec 9, 2023

Brighton Gazette - Thursday 22 October 1857


It is with the deepest regret that we announce the death, on Sunday evening, at his residence, Montpelier Crescent, Brighton, of this gentleman. 

Mr Waller was a native of Cuckfield, and for a period of nearly 40 years filled with the highest honour and credit his station as a solicitor, to which were attached several important offices, and during this period he possessed, in high degree, the respect and love of the inhabitants of a wide district, over which his avocations extended, and all ranks, from the lowest pauper to the wealthiest aristocrat, admired, respected, and now regret him. 

Samuel Waller (1793-1857) c1848 colourised

For many years he acted, without having caused the least dissatisfaction, as Clerk to the Magistrates, the Commissioners of Taxes and Clerk to the Trustees of various roads, and upon his retirement from active life, in 1856, the expressions of good will and admiration of his upright, honourable, and praiseworthy conduct, advanced him by the authorities with whom he had for so many years been in contact, showed how high he stood in their estimation.

In his long professional career he made friends of all with whom he had dealings, and was invaluable as a professional man, warm and sincere friend, kind master and affectionate husband and father.

His conduct, both in public and private life, was marked by probity, integrity, and uprightness, to the poor he was liberal and charitable, without ostentation; to the unfortunate, kind and considerate; and he filled the station of a man and a gentleman with credit and honour to himself, and to secure the admiration, respect, and esteem of all. 

Mr Waller is succeeded in his practice by L. Waugh, Esq., whom he admitted as partner on his retirement in 1856. and the firm has since been carried under the name of Waller and Waugh. Mr Waller has left behind him a widow (to whom he was sincerely attached), a son, F. Waller. Esq., barrister-at-law, and daughter, Miss Louisa Waller.

He lost two sons, some years since, who were in the East India Company’s service, and also his eldest daughter, a most amiable young lady just arrived at womanhood. He was the professional agent for most of the leading families in the neighbourhood, to Cuckfield and the surrounding parishes, and clerk to the County Court, of which Mr Waugh is now registrar. 

He will be buried on Saturday, at four clock, in the family vault at Cuckfield, and we expect to see universal demonstration of respect and regret shown. In January, 1856, he had an attack of paralysis, and was removed to Brighton in the  following autumn. A second attack occurred Saturday morning last, and he died on Sunday evening in the 65th year of his age. Mr Waller married Miss Bridget Williams, daughter of - Williams, Esq., of Carmarthen. The family of the Wallers have for a very long period obtained and kept the affection and regard of all classes, and the grief expressed at the recent loss is profound and widely spread. 


Sussex Agricultural Express - Saturday 31 October 1857


Funeral of S. Waller, Esq. The remains of this gentleman were interred in the family vault in the old churchyard on Saturday, at 4 p.m., and the universal demonstration of respect surpassed our expectations, showing at once the feelings of one and all. Although it was Saturday, and at an hour when customers began to flock in, the shops were closed, and the tradesmen and farmers, to the number of 100, assembled at the bottom of Place-walk to meet the hearse, and followed the corpse to the grave, showing the love, esteem, respect, regard and regret they felt for the man whom we have lost.


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