Brighton Gazette - Thursday 11 January 1849
The new year was ushered in very merrily. The Fox Hounds met at Cuckfield on New Year’s Day, and a good field of riders were present, in the sure hope and expectation of a find, but a very suspicious blank in this neighbourhood was the consequence, and the foxes, although lately there seemed to be plenty were not to be found.

This gave great disappointment, and has irretrievably stamped the countryside with a bad name, for it it suspected that unfair vulpinism been practised. But the cold ride in the morning was made up for in the evening at the ball at the Station Hotel which was well attended by a respectable party, and everything passed off well and pleasantly.
The room was fitted up tastefully, the music excellent, the supper splendid, and the refreshments liberally supplied during the evening. Dancing was kept up with spirit until until daylight: and Mr Bent very kindly sent his harriers on Tuesday morning to make up for the blank the day before. Several of the party turned out for a hunt, but a biting frost put a stopper on the hounds olfactories; and although there was no trouble in finding hares, there was no such thing as hunting them.
An early adjournment, therefore, took place from the field to fireside: and the party, after dining together at the Station Inn, went off early, promising to meet in the ball room again another year.