Brighton Gazette - Thursday 30 July 1846
Treat to the National School Children.
— On Thursday last the Rev. T. A. Maberly, it being the anniversary of his infant son’s birthday, gave a treat to the National School children in the Vicarage grounds, to which he very kindly invited the boys from Mr. Webber’s school, and several other children from the town and neighbourhood. It was a pleasing sight to see 200 children enjoying themselves as they did, under the eye of the kind vicar and his amiable partner; and the visitors, who were numerous seemed to enjoy themselves as much the children.
Tea was served up to them on the lawn, and their little appetites paid all due honour to the plum cakes and other good things which were set before them in profusion. After they had enjoyed themselves until the fall of the evening, they were gathered together in the barn, where, the lights being put out, the mysteries of a magic lanthorn were displayed to them, and they gave the loudest applause their little lungs were capable of, to the various scenes brought before their wondering eyes. After this, buns were distributed among them; and they went their way to their homes highly pleased with the day, not unmindful or forgetful of the occasion which drew them together.
Much credit is due to Mr. and Mrs. Norris, the master and mistress of the National School, for their kindness and attention to the education and morals of the children..