Brighton Gazette - Thursday 06 November 1845
WANTED, A SCHOOLMASTER for the Workhouse, who must be well qualified to instruct the Boys in reading, writing, and agricultural or handicraft employments. The salary will be £26 per annum, with board and lodging.
Applications in writing, with testimonials of character and ability, to be forwarded to me, free of postage, previous to twelve o’clock at noon of the 14th November, on which day the Guardians will take the same into consideration; and the candidates whose testimonials may be reserved for further consideration, of which they will receive notice from me by letter, will be expected to attend the Board of Guardians, at the Board Room, on Friday, the 21st November, at half-past twelve o’clock p.m.
S. WALLER, Clerk of the Union. Cuckfield, October, 1843.