Brighton Gazette - Thursday 26 June 1845
The match between the Cuckfield and Henfield Cricket Clubs was played last Thursday, on the Cuckfield Grounds. A goodly number of people assembled, and some good play was shown. The game was decidedly in favour of the Henfield eleven.
After the match, a very numerous and respectable party met at the King’s Head; and with Mr E. Turner in the chair, a pleasant and harmonious evening was spent. Garrett, the professional singer, was present; and enhanced the pleasure of the evening by the masterly manner in which he sang some of the beautiful and impressive melodies of Miss Cooke; and by the hearty laughter which he raised by some of his truly comic songs. “My ancestors were Englishmen, An Englishman am I,” was rapturously encored, and seemed to excite the sound national feelings of the company. “The merry haymakers,” so apropos to the season, “ The poor man’s grave,” and several others brought down rounds upon rounds of applause.
There was some good amateur singing too, and without being invidious we may mention the "White Squall,” by Mr Williams, of Henfield; "The land we live in,” by the Chairman and "The East Sussex hunter,” by Mr A. Smith.