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1842: Charitable Christmas fare

Carpet sweeper - the dream present

We are much pleased at having to record the kind actions of Captain Preston, RN, of Borde Hill, towards his poorer neighbours. With his usual generosity he has distributed among them a large quantity of provisions, potatoes, and firewood, which, at this season, were highly acceptable.

The gallant captain, finding the quantity of potatoes set apart for his charitable purpose not sufficient, liberally divided his stock among the numerous claimants on his bounty, and sent them all away with light hearts and grateful feelings.

Much good has been privately done by the gentry and inhabitants in general providing at Christmas time for the wants of the poor, and never was it more needed than at this period; for the paucity of employment and the shortness of the crops have thrown many families out of work, who would have been reduced to a meagre and comfortless Christmas meal, but for the kindness and liberality of their more favoured neighbours.

Brighton Gazette, 29 December 1842

Picture: Victorian Christmas Card, Wikimedia public domain image.

Contributed by Malcolm Davison.

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