Brighton Gazette - Thursday 11 June 1835
THE TRUSTEES of the Brighton and Cuckfield Turnpike Road having come to a Resolution to make a diversion from the present line Road, near High Bridge, on the South side of the Town of Cuckfield, and to erect a new Bridge on the East side of the present Bridge, are desirous to receive tenders from persons willing to perform the works by Contract.
The forming and making of the new line of Road, with the necessary Embankments, and the Building and Construction of the new Bridge and the works connected there with to tendered for separately

Plans, Sections, and Specifications of the works may be seen at my Office, after Wednesday, the 3rd June and Mr. William Kenchin, the Surveyor, will attend High Bridge, on Thursday, the 4th; Saturday, the 6th; and Thursday, the 11th June, from Eleven to Two o'Clock on each day. for the purpose of stating the particulars of the Intended works, and giving the necessary information to persons desirous to contract.
Sealed Tenders, addressed to me, to be delivered at my Office, (free of postage), before or on the 12th June.
Clerk to the Trustees
Cuckfield, 30th May, 1835.