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1819: Notice: auction of Mid Sussex Turnpike Tolls

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

Sussex Advertiser - Monday 26 July 1819

Turnpike Tolls to be Lett.

WHEREAS at a Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike Road leading from the Town of Brighthelmston through Cuckfield to County Oak, on Lovel Heath, in the County of Sussex, holden at the Talbot Inn, Cuckfield, on Thursday, the 15th day of July instant, the Tolls arising at the several Toll Gates the road called Slough Green, Handcross, Ifield Bar, and Crawley Gates, were put up at the sum of money for which they were letten and produced the last year, and be Lett by Auction for one year, from the 30th day of September next, but there was no bidder,

Old Toll House from Beeding at the Weald and Downland Living museum

Notice is therefore hereby Given.

That the next Meeting of the Trustees of the said road will be held at the Talbot Inn, in Cuckfield aforesaid, onThursday, the Nineteenth day of August next, at Eleven o’clock in the forenoon, when the TOLLS arising at the said Toll Gates called Slough Green, Handcross, Ifield Bar and Crawley Gates, will be Lett by Auction to the best bidder, for one year, from the 30th day of September next, the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present Majesty, “For regulating the Turnpike Roads," and will be put up in one lot, at such sum of money as the said Trustees shall direct.

Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must pay into the hands of the Treasurer the said road, two months' rent in advance, and also give security with sureties to the satisfaction the Trustees of the said road, for due payment the remainder at such times as they shall direct.


Clerk to the Trustees of the said Road.

Cuckfield. 16th July, 1819.


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