Sussex Advertiser - Monday 12 May 1800
(On the Premises)
On Thursday, the 22nd day of May, 1800, between the hours of three and six in the afternoon,
ALL that well established and good accustomed Public-House, bearing the sign of the SHIP, situate at Whiteman’s Green, in the parish of Cuckfield, on the turnpike-road leading from London to Brighthelmston with coach house, and stabling for eight horses; an excellent garden and orchard, nearly opposite the house, containing half an acre, (more or less) in the occupation Mrs. Ann Titchener, the Proprietor, who is about to retire from business.

Also Messuage or Tenement, adjoining the above, with a Blacksmith’s shop in full trade, in the occupation of Charles Ayres, a yearly tenant, and whose year expires at Lady-day, 1801, at which time he has notice to quit.
The Purchaser may have possession of the Public House, and premises occupied therewith, at Midsummer next, on taking the Stock of Liquors, and part of the Furniture, at a fair valuation.
The premises are Copyhold of Inheritance, held of the Manor of Cuckfield, subject to a small annual quitrent, (1) fine and heriot(2) certain 6d each, are extremely well situate for trade, and worth the attention of any wishing to enter into the above lines of business.
For further particulars apply to Mr. Waller, at Cuckfield
(1) Quit rent, quit-rent, or quitrent, is a tax or land tax imposed on occupants of freehold or leased land in lieu of services to a higher landowning authority, usually a government or its assigns.
(2) A heriot is a tribute paid to a lord out of the belongings of a tenant who died, often consisting of a live animal or, originally, military equipment that he borrowed