The energy of the Prince of Wales at the age of 23 has to be admired here. London to Brighton twice plus two social events. That was at least 10 hours on the road.
Last Monday morning, the Prince of Wales went from Brighthelmston to London, we hear, to celebrate the anniversary of Sir John Lade's birthday. His Royal Highness returned to Brighthelmston the same day, and was at the ball in the evening.
8 August 1785 Sussex Advertiser
A year earlier the Prince of Wales on July 25th, 1784, during his second visit to Brighthelmston rode to London and back, he went by way of Cuckfield. He was 10 hours on the road: four and a half hours going, five and a half hours returning. He would also have taken the Cuckfield route for the trip described above as it was the shortest, fastest route at the time.
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.