1909: Shot by the roadside in Haywards Heath
Cuckfield Connections
A personal journey of discovery
1906: Burglaries at Haywards Heath- smart capture by the police
1933: The Birch Hotel Bathing Pool opened in brilliant sunshine
1908: Haywards Heath postmaster's downfall
1926: Haines and Sharp Tailors and Outfitters opens in South Road Haywards Heath
1953: Street battle outside Perrymount ballroom
1934: Goldings' Station Hotel in Haywards Heath sold at auction
1895-1911 Slow progress in equipping the Haywards Heath Fire Brigade during its early years
1922: The Opening of the Birch Hotel - a 'true home of comfort'
1974: Construction of a 50 yard tunnel for miniature railway at Beech Hurst
1934 Franklands Village opens: 'As pretty a picture as you could wish to see'
1916: A most unusual case of road rage in Haywards Heath
1891: Celebration of the life of Haywards Heath's first vicar
1939: The Passing of Reverend T.G. Wyatt - "A lovable old gentleman, and one who loved us."
1949: Short film of Swimming Gala at Sharrow School Haywards Heath
1842: The progress of the Haywards Heath Railway Station a year after its creation
1930: The Ancient Yews of Haywards Heath
1915: Noted novelist's death in Lucastes Avenue
1911: Mystery in Ashenground Road - House ransacked but nothing stolen!
1905: Assault on Haywards Heath policeman at Sussex Hotel